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We all know that preventing disease or catching it in its early stages is far better than treating it once it has had time to progress to a more advanced stage. Preventive health care will help you do just that, and save you and your pet from needless suffering and a larger financial burden. Here are some preventive measures pet parents can take to keep their furry friends healthy.​

What is the Annual Physical Exam?

Annual physical exams are recommended for animals, just as they are recommended for humans. If your pet is older or has medical problems, he/she may need even more frequent examinations. We recommend a physical exam once a year for adult pets and every 6 months for senior pets. Please keep in mind that we are required, by law, to have a doctor's exam within the last 12 months to prescribe/refill medications and administer injections, including flea medications and vaccinations.


​As you all know pets age a lot faster than their human counterparts which makes preventative care for our pets one of the main reasons why we believe it's necessary to have your pets examined. Unlike humans, our pet can not communicate their symptoms so it is important, at the time of their exam, to mention any concerns and changes in your pets behavior and/or temperament, drinking habits, urination, defecation and appetite. A change in one of their daily habits may be the first sign of an underlying disease or condition that requires attention or treatment. 

During your pets annual physical exam, our veterinarians will inspect your pets from nose to tail. Through routine annual exams, preventable diseases like obesity, ear infections and dental disease can be addressed, and early screenings for arthritis, diabetes and kidney disease can be performed. 


We understand that sometimes yearly exams can cause a financial strain but keep in mind that early detection and prevention of disease is key to a healthier and longer life for your pet(s).


We will also make sure to perform our standard complimentary pedicure at the time of your pet's exam.

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